jCore 0.7 Released!

Thursday, 23 December 2010 by pijulius, 141408 views

Finally it's here, happy Christmas everyone! The new version is ready for your pleasure with changes like Template Manager to easily switch between site templates even set them for administration section, Shopping Item options like item color, size and so on, Enhanced Dynamic Forms with multistep options, HTTPS compatibility, Picasa and YouTube implementation and a lot more.

UPDATED (Dec 28): fixed max 8 entries/page limit for Picasa and YouTube galleries (only the two Photo and Video gallery modules have been changed).

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Status Update for 0.7

Sunday, 21 November 2010 by pijulius, 32145 views

Things are starting to pick up with jCore, we already passed 30,000 downloads and I'm happy to say that I will have even more time in the future to work on jCore. A lot has been already done and the plans for the next next one (0.8) are also coming together. Here is the list of the things already finished for the next release (0.7) which I hope will be out next month for Christmas :).

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Pre-Installed jCore from TMDHosting

Friday, 12 November 2010 by pijulius

Happy to announce the availability of Pre-installed jCore system package from TMDHosting with Free domain name and unlimited space & traffic! You will also be given technical support and be running on a well known cPanel system which is also used by jCore for testing and running.

Check out the TMDHosting jCore package and once we have template management in the next version it will be even easier to set up your site.

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22,000+ Downloads and Plans for next release

Monday, 18 October 2010 by pijulius, 13501 views

I'm very happy to say that the current release has almost reached 1,000 downloads and we now have surpassed the 20,000 grand total downloads. Also the forum is starting up slowly but surely, we have around 50 members and active supporters who try to help out with questions and more ideas are coming in with every day. Keep on reading for the features that are planed for the next release.

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jCore on Hiawatha web server

Sunday, 3 October 2010 by pijulius, 18158 views

If you want to run jCore on Hiawatha I'm happy to say that you can. My friend Sebastian just did a quick setup of jCore on Hiawatha and the only thing needed to change was the .htaccess file rules for the SEO friendly links.

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Newsletter module and jCore 0.6.1 Released!

Sunday, 19 September 2010 by pijulius, 11247 views

A new Newsletter module has been finished and with it I would like to release an updated version of jCore with some pretty changes like all stripslashes have been dropped, all template images including the icons library have been optimized using Google's Page Speed which saves ~1MB in total size, better CSS/JS compression handling with support for deflate and more.

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Forum is up and ready

Thursday, 2 September 2010 by pijulius

Now that the new release is out I would like to start building up a community around it (with your help of course), so I have set up a Forum where you can start sharing your thoughts, ideas and get help on implementing and developing new modules, templates and more. Quick support is still here but in the future please use the forum for all your questions/support.

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