An Easily Manageable CMS

A Different Multisite CMS

A CMS with Multilingual Support


jCore 1.0 Released!

Saturday, 7 November 2020 by pijulius, 46773 views

This release contains changes like PHP 7 compatibility, Real API, extendibility for jCore jQuery plugin, CSRF protection, Blowfish passwords, reCaptcha integration, HTML notification emails, Comments at Glance section, Code Profiling using xDebug, new integrated Jaris FLV Player and more.

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jCore ver. 1.0pre2 available for Testing

Sunday, 12 August 2012 by pijulius, 422307 views

jCore 1.0 is taking a "bit" more time than hoped for but because of some security bugs reported in the last days (thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab) I would like to push out 1.0pre2 which takes care of these and also includes some fixes/additions that I'm sure you all were looking for.

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The Webmaster's Multisite CMS

Wednesday, 3 June 2009 by pijulius, 1663499 views

What is it?

jCore is a Multi Site web Content Management System build especially for webmasters (using the well known LAMP environment) who have to maintain multiple websites for their clients and they would like to keep the source codes up to date and easily fix bugs for all clients at once.

jCore has two main systems, jCore Server - which holds all the libraries and modules you can build on, and jCore Client - which is the stripped version of the core system without any libraries as it uses the ones from the core.

Think of jCore server as the library for your site/program and jCore client as the website that you show to the public. In multi site setup you don't even have to install jCore server, just copy the files in a public place where all your client sites can access it and that's it, just like you would build a program by using a library. This way when you upgrade to a new version you just overwrite the old jCore server files with the new ones and all your client sites are already "upgraded".

For more information about both systems please click on the "Learn More" button placed below each system.

jCore Server ver. 1.0
Install jCore server to a global place,
build multiple sites based on it.
jCore Client ver. 1.0
Creat separate client websites,
with their own home directories.

Because jCore use a Dynamic Web 2.0 layout, the designer's job is totally separated from the developer as the designer can create new Blocks (divs) from the admin area and define any style (CSS) / script (jQuery) for them and even limit these blocks to be shown only to defined menu items or registered/guest users and even include contents in blocks without having the need for developer to do so.

The developer on the other hand can easily write codes (Modules) that extend the site and let the designer customize these modules using their own css/js files keeping custom scripts/styles separated from the core and enabling portability.

To learn more about all features please see Features.