Submitting a hack is pretty easy, just complete the form below and your hack will be added to our hacks list. Once your hack has been duplicated and confirmed you will enter the contest to win.

Submit New jCore Hack

Will be visible to the public.

Describe the way/steps required to complete/duplicate your hack. If required please attach the files required or any additional instructions. You are allowed to use html codes.


There are some rules that you should take in consideration to be able to claim your rewards.

  • Hacks must not be made public in the time of the contest.
  • Hacks are not counted relevant if they are only using a weakness of a third party code (like Apache and so on) but are relevant if they are combined with jCore code.
  • Hacks that disclose the full path of the system with a php Warning message aren't counted as on production setup warnings aren't printed out but please feel free to submit them as that way at least I can fix them.
  • Only those hacks are counted relevant which allow you to compromise the system in a way that it's not supposed to work, for e.g. accessing a members only section, uploading files where not allowed, adding codes to the system for phishing and so on.
  • Duplicated hacks will be only accepted if send in by two different persons this way encouraging you to not make the hack publicly available as that would mean everyone could receive your reward :)
  • Unfortunately bugs (that don't compromise the system) are not rewarded in this contest but are welcome of course.