jCore Modules

Tuesday, 21 July 2009 by pijulius, 5330864 views

Shopping / Modules

Tuesday, 5 July 2011 by pijulius

Modules are self powered classes that will extend your site to be more powerful and add further features to it like a Photo Gallery and so on.

Contact Form

Tuesday, 5 July 2011 by pijulius, 321627 views, Stock: available
Contact Form
Contact Form
Tuesday, 5 July 2011, 58851 views

This is a simple class that extends the Dynamic Form by creating a simple contact form (when installed) with "Your name", "Email address", "Question/Comments" and "Verification code" fields, and when submitted will send an email to the Webmaster's email address defined in settings.

After installation you can remove and/or add new fields to this form which will also be emailed.

Content Codes / Details
Requires jCore ver. 0.8 or above. Extends content codes with:
  • {modules}contact{/modules} - will display the Contact Form
Attachments (click to download)
Contact ver. 0.9 (2 KB)
gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Aug 12 09:53:01 2011, 74747 downloads, uploaded on Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Comments (6)

Verification code not shown at all. Did someone got same issue? (my hosting use PHP 5.3.6) :(
Sunday, 18 December 2011 (#228) by fazar
Were you in any case already logged in? :) cos the verification code is only show when guests are visiting the sites, I don't see the point to display verification images to users that got registered and activated their accounts and then logged in, so when you are logged in you won't see them. Just log out and you should see the verification image.
Monday, 19 December 2011 (#229) by pijulius
thanks for replying :)
yes, I was completely logged out and also clearing my browser cache. reloading captcha seems not working too.
screenshot: http://bit.ly/tLfbCD
Monday, 19 December 2011 (#230) by fazar
It seems you may not have php-GD or freetype installed on your server and that's why the security image fails, you could have a look on your error log to see what's the problem just copy the location of the security image and load in a separate tab, there you should or see the error or in your errorlog on your server it should be the last line.

If you are using the 1.0pre you could also just switch to reCaptcha in Admin -> Global Settings -> Security Image Settings and that's it.
Monday, 19 December 2011 (#231) by pijulius
gd library is okay, seems the problem is on freetype fonts - its not installed on my shared hosting.

FYI, Wordpress has beautiful plugin named growmap anti spambot plugin (GASP). its challenge spambots by adding a client side generated checkbox asking the comment author to confirm that they are not a spammer - unobtrusive way to stop spam. Maybe you can implement / add same method for jCore contact form. :)

by the way, I saw hundred lines of "PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0". I'm not realized this until I check error log.

Should I change my hosting? :)

Thanks for your kind feedback.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 (#232) by fazar
Yep, thought it will be or gd or freetype.
Thanks for the hint on GASP but unfortunately I don't understand the hype on it, I just went to

and my noJS comment went trough without using js by simply inserting the gasp_checkbox = 1 hidden field into the comment form so this is all it needs to let comments trough so a spammer would only have to add this fields to his posts form and you will be full with spams as before (or even worst). It seems it also needs moderation before the comment is visible but if you have to moderate it's already to late so it seems I don't really get this GASP filter :)

Anyway, thanks again and not sure if you should switch hosting, if you're happy with them stay with them but if not I can only speak good things about HostGator, they were pretty good to me and I'm with them since day one.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 (#233) by pijulius
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