jCore Modules

Tuesday, 21 July 2009 by pijulius, 5536217 views

Shopping / Modules

Tuesday, 5 July 2011 by pijulius

Modules are self powered classes that will extend your site to be more powerful and add further features to it like a Photo Gallery and so on.

Shopping (e-commerce)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011 by pijulius, 802254 views, Stock: available
Tuesday, 5 July 2011, 188437 views

This module allows you to have your own shopping (e-commerce) website where you can sale your items in different categories, attach pictures, attachments and even digital goods to them. For the items dynamic form is used so you can customize the item's details too.

It is build up from three parts as following:
- Shopping (aka Shopping Items) where you can set up your items in a directory like structure.
- Shopping Cart, which will display the cart and let people checkout, in the admin will allow you to set fees, discounts and defined order methods to checkout
- Shopping Orders, which will allow users to track their orders and even add comments to them, in the admin it will allow order processors to process these orders and keep contact with order owners using the comment system.

Content Codes / Details
Requires jCore ver. 0.8 or above. Supported Payment methods:
  • Invoice Customer
  • Check
  • PayPal.com
  • CCBill.com
  • AlertPay.com
  • Authorize.Net
  • 2CheckOut.com
  • MoneyBookers.com
  • Ogone.com
Extends content codes with:
  • {modules}shopping{/modules} - display latest Shopping Items and the categories
  • {modules}shopping/your_category_path{/modules} - display the all items from the defined category and all subcategories
  • {modules}shopping/keywords{/modules} - display a keywords cloud (you can limit keywords by adding a number to it, for e.g. shopping/keywords/17)
  • {modules}shopping/active{/modules} - display the most viewed items
  • {modules}shopping/popular{/modules} - display the most bought items
  • {modules}shopping/discussed{/modules} - display the most commented on items
  • {modules}shopping/rated{/modules} - display the best rated items
  • {modules}shopping/top{/modules} - display the top 10 items (you can mix together with the above ones, for e.g. modules/shopping/active/top)
Attachments (click to download)
Shopping ver. 0.9 (81 KB)
gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Aug 12 09:53:01 2011, 189547 downloads, uploaded on Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Comments (6)

I try to use content codes. Is a cod for {modules}shoppingcart/amount{/modules}?
Tuesday, 28 February 2012 (#236) by acio
Nope, there isn't such a code but you can use {modules}shoppingcart/info{/modules} that will get you the amount and the items in cart and you should be able to hide the not wanted information from css as each of the info has it's own class.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012 (#237) by pijulius
Heloo, NICE JOB.

I have a question, for method payment AlertPay, where is located te file for listen the rezul for payment (IPN status). On the AlertPay site they have a box where a need to set a Alert URL.
Thursday, 1 March 2012 (#238) by acio
Thanks! the url you have to use is:

Just remember replacing demo.jcore.net with your own domain :)
Thursday, 1 March 2012 (#239) by pijulius
is it possible to get more documentation on this module?

Saturday, 17 March 2012 (#240) by Greg V
Unfortunately not really unless somebody helps me out with that, You can always use the Forum where we try to answer all of the questions, I tried to set up a wiki but only spam got committed :) so for now the best place to look for more documentation is the forum.
Sunday, 18 March 2012 (#241) by pijulius
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